Our Story

Angus our head brewer had the crazy idea to start a brewery! He had years of homebrew experience, and the awards and medals from competitions to prove his beer was on another level.
High Country Brewery is a testament to the power of hard work, passion, and dedication. Named after Angus' father's cattle ranch, the brewery embodies the rugged, independent spirit of the Alberta high country. Angus' decision to leave his old job and pursue his dream of brewing amazing beer has paid off in spades, and
Thankfully Rig Hand Distillery shared the vision and gave us space in their distillery to brew beer at a small scale. That gave our tiny family owned and run brewery a space to make magic.
We are so excited to be able to share our love of beer, local Albertan ingredients and fermentation with the world! High Country Brewery is a true gem of the Alberta craft brewing scene.
2104 8 St Bay B,
Nisku, AB T9E 7Y9
Monday--Friday - 10am to 6pm
Saturday - Noon to 5pm
Sunday - Closed
Email: highcountrybrewery@gmail.com